Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Various and Sundry

I'm participating in my first art show in October! Art on the Water. I am sooo excited! Participating with my long time friend from Bluebird Photography.

I'm going to my first artsy social event/fundraiser to mingle this Saturday. Luckily it's at a bar, because I'm sure I will want a cocktail! A little nervous. Trying to get some asap business cards and trying to not feel like a sham. I'm not a business person, I'm just a hobbyist. I guess my work is for sale because I think other people might enjoy it, but I don't expect to be commissioned for my own show or granted funds for a project any time soon. I just want to take good pictures, capture something that makes me, and hopefully other people, feel something. And to share those pictures, and the sentiments they evoke, with the world. Or at least a tiny little microscopic piece of it.

I suppose that's my philosophy on art, in general. Make things, feel something, then share the things and hopefully the feelings. Repeat as necessary.


Second art show in November. Two day outdoor festival at a Tampa park. I am excited about that one despite the kind of steep entry fee.

I just want to sell one piece to someone who isn't a close friend or family member. I completely appreciate their support, of course, and I wouldn't do it at all without their encouragement, but still. I want to sell to a stranger who thinks my photos are good enough to purchase. I want to to feel that validation. I know it takes time, but I just want to KNOW it's going to happen at some point. Ya Know? I'm impatient!

Winning a prize or award would also offer that validation. But it costs $, whereas selling something on etsy would actually EARN me $. It's kind of irresistible to try. So for the time being, I'm trying both.


Great talk on creativity and art as an illusion in this TEDtalks video. I believe that quote, "Art is the greatest illusion of all," is from Claude Debussey, composer of one of my all time favorite songs, Clair de lune.

TEDtalks Marco Tempest: The magic of truth and lies (and iPods)

Have a stellar, out-of-this-world Wednesday, folks.

Your QOD (a bonus, really, after the Debussey, but I am just generous like that) is this:

“If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shabby furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shabby philosophies. It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the wrapped meat inside it.” -Albert Einstein

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